Modular computing concept

Concept: UNI Modular Concept PC Like an iMac Vomited Inside Out???The core would be the Think module. You can later upgrade the VGA module for an HDMI modules. Upgrading storage is as easy as swapping out the storage plug. Modules communicate using wireless USB and powerline as a bus. Gorgeous design, and while it seems […]

Concept: UNI Modular Concept PC Like an iMac Vomited Inside Out
???The core would be the Think module. You can later upgrade the VGA module for an HDMI modules. Upgrading storage is as easy as swapping out the storage plug. Modules communicate using wireless USB and powerline as a bus. Gorgeous design, and while it seems impractical, or just plain crazy, that???s why this is a concept, pushing the limits of conventional thought.???



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About Alberto Benbunan