Si eres amante de Netflix ( como yo entonces te gustar?? esta aplicaci??n que se llama FeedFlix ( y se conecta a tu cuenta de Netflix y te da un an??lisis de cuanto es el coste por pel??cula seg??n el plan que tienes, cuanto es tu tiempo promedio de devoluci??n de pel??culas, cuantas pel??culas ves al mes en DVD y cuantas online, en fin, aqu?? os dejo mis estad??sticas:
* You have been a Netflix member since November 2008 and have returned 26 titles to date
* You most recently returned a movie on 04/Feb/09 i.e. 1 day ago
* You keep titles at home for an average of 9 days
* You see 8.7 titles by DVD and 7.3 titles by Instant Watch each month
* It looks like you are on the 3-at-a-time plan which costs $16.99/month
* Your cost/DVD rental is $1.96. Your cost/movie (including Instant Watch) is $1.06
* You’re in the 25th percentile. i.e., 25% of FeedFlixers pay less than you per movie
Es que entre esto y HULU ( ya no veo televisi??n, solo series y pel??culas cuando tengo tiempo antes de dormir.
??Acaso tu ves televisi??n?